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Intermediate Program, Home Exercises, Building Phase
Weeks 9 - 12
- Perform 2 sets of 12 reps for each exercise.
- Quickly move from one exercise to the next, wait 30
   to 60 seconds between exercise sets.
Muscle Group Exercise

Select Your Own Exercises:
You can replace any of the exercises with an exercise within the same muscle group.

For Example:
For Muscle Group - Quadriceps. The listed exercise is Leg Extensions. You can select any exercise, like the Squat, which is listed in the Quadriceps Muscle Group.

  1) Quadriceps Resistance Band Squat
  2) Chest Push-up
  3) Hamstrings Resistance Band Leg Curl
  4) Back Resistance Band Reverse Fly
  5) Calves Stair Calf Raise
  6) Shoulders Resistance Band Lateral Raise
  7) Abdominal Bicycle
  8) Biceps Resistance Band Hammer Curl
  9) Lower Back Swim
10) Triceps Resistance Band Kickback
1) Quadriceps
Resistance Band Squat
Start Midpoint
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and planted on the midpoint of a Resistance Band. Grab hold of the handles and place your hands on your shoulders. Stand in a neutral position, with your knees slightly bent.
  • Slowly squat down until your legs are parallel with the floor, making sure your knees stay in line with your ankles.
  • Pause, and press back up to the starting position, pushing through your heels
2) Chest
Start Midpoint
  • Lie face down on the floor with your hands shoulder width apart, positioned closely in to your shoulders.
  • Press yourself off the floor by extending your arms keeping your knees touching the floor.
  • Your abdominals and glutes should be squeezed tight, so that the body moves in one single movement.
  • Pause at the top, and slowly return to the starting position.
3) Hamstrings
Resistance Band Leg Curl
Start Midpoint
  • Sit on the floor while wrapping each handle around your ankles.
  • Lie face down on the floor and line your knee joints up with the cam of the machine.
  • Slowly contract your hamstrings pulling your heels toward your buttocks. Squeeze your hamstring and buttocks at the top then slowly lower the weight in a controlled motion back to the starting position.
  • The goal is to be able to pull your heels as close as you can to your glutes while keeping your hips on the bench.
  • Try not to arch your back or use momentum for assistance.
  • Keep your abdominals tight throughout the concentric (raising) and eccentric (lowering) phases, so you can minimize most of the pelvic motion and keep more Resistance on your hamstrings.
4) Back
Resistance Band Reverse Fly
Start Midpoint
  • Hold handles with your arms straight in front of your chest and your elbows locked.
  • Keeping your elbows locked and your arms parallel to the ground, pull to the rear. Pause and squeeze your back muscles, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Keep your body rigid.
5) Calves
Stair Calf Raise
Start Midpoint
  • Stand on a stair or crate.
  • Lower your heels to the lowest possible position.
  • Slowly raise up on your toes as high as you can go. Hold for a moment and return to the starting position.
  • Do not "swing" the weight up using momentum! Repeat.

  • To add more weight, you can perform the exercise with one calf at a time, or hold a dumbbell in the hand that is not stabilizing your body.
6) Shoulders
Resistance Band Lateral Raise
Start Midpoint
  • Grasp the handles with your palms facing each other. Your arms should be fully extended to the side of your body.
  • Stand on the midpoint of a Resistance Band, no more than shoulder width apart, and your knees slightly bent.
  • Raise the Resistance Band up from your thighs to shoulder height and make sure your arms are fully extended.
  • Pause at shoulder level, and slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
  • Be sure to keep your lower back and abs tight throughout this exercise.
7) Abdominals
Start Midpoint
  • Put your hands behind your head.
  • Raise your legs so your thighs are perpendicular and your lower legs are just above parallel to the floor.
  • Curl up and bring your left elbow toward your right side while drawing your right knee in to meet it.
  • It is like you are riding a bike. Alternate sides, continuing the motion back and forth.
  • Remember, don't just flap your elbow across your body, actually rotate your shoulder across and squeeze your abs.
8) Biceps
Resistance Band Hammer Curls
Start Midpoint
  • Grab hold of the handles of a Resistance Band, with your hands facing each other, and your arms fully extended at your sides.
  • Place your feet no more than shoulder width apart; standing at the midpoint of the band, with your knees slightly bent.
  • Raise the Resistance Band handles by flexing your arms towards your shoulders.
  • Slowly lower the Resistance Band under control until your arms are extended.
9) Lower Back
Start Midpoint
  • Lie face down on the floor. Your body should be fully extended in a straight line, with your arms stretched overhead.
  • Lift your upper and lower body off the ground in one motion, keeping your muscles tight.
  • For balance, your abs should stay in contact with the floor. Pause, and slowly return to the starting position.
10) Triceps
Resistance Band Triceps Kickback
Start Midpoint
  • Grasp the Resistance Band, while placing your forward foot on the resistance band.
  • Bend your arm so there's a 90 degree angle at your elbow.
  • While keeping your elbow in the same spot, straigten your arm by pulling against the resistance band.
  • Slowly return to the start position.