Tools Cardio Workouts
Cardio Workouts
Continuous Training
Interval Training
Intensity Level
3-5 Beginner Fitness Level
5-7 Average Fitness Level
7-10 High Fitness Level

Training Heart Rate
50%-60% Low Fitness Level
60%-75% Avg. Fitness Level
75%-85% High Fitness Level

Continuous Training
What is continuous training
A constant paced workout is one in which you exercise at a continuous level of intensity for a set time or distance.
What exercise mode can I use?
You can use any mode of exercise that you enjoy to perform (walking, jogging, running, hiking, swimming, etc.).
The above chart is an example of a 20-minute continuous training workout.
How is a continuous training workout performed?
Warm up the first 2 minutes at Intensity Level 5.
The time between the warm up and cool down is the conditioning phase. Exercise at a continuous Intensity Level that best meets your fitness level.
Cool down the last 2 minutes at Intensity Level 5.