Tools Heart Rate
About the Heart
Finding your Pulse
Resting Heart Rate
Training Heart Rate
The Karvonen Formula
RPE Scale
Target Heart Rate Chart
Finding Your Pulse
Finding your pulse can be tricky. However, there are two spots where you can easily find your pulse. Each time your heart beats, it squeezes blood through your arteries and veins. These pipes expand and contract. We want to count how many times we feel this beating sensation.
Radial Pulse
Using your pointer finger and your middle finger, press on the back of your wrist (so that your fingernails are pointing to the floor), just below the thumb. There is a groove below the bone, underneath the thumb. Wait a couple of seconds, and do not press too hard. We do not want to stop blood flow!
Carotid Pulse
  Place your thumb on your chin. Place the pointer finger and your middle finger onto the side of your neck. On each side of your Adam's Apple, there is a groove. Feel for your pulse. Again, do not press too hard or you will stop the blood flow. Do not press both sides at the same time or you will stop blood flow.
For 10 seconds, we are going to count how many times we feel that beating sensation. Take the number of beats and multiply that number by 6 to come up with a HR.
7 (heart beats) x 6 = 42 heart beats per minute