Setting SMART Goals
Crawl, Walk, Run
Goal Levels
Get Motivated
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Get motivated - Stay Motivated! Get Fit - Stay Fit!
The first step toward getting in shape and being healthy is definitely the toughest. To ease into this process, here are some pointers that will help you.
Plan your workouts and meals.

Make fitness part of your daily schedule. The goal is to get into a habit of eating frequent healthy foods so that you don't go into a state of deep hunger and binge on bad foods. This means you need to get into a routine of planning your meals prior to that hunger stage.

Getting into an exercise habit is also crucial to this process. Set aside time to get your body moving and rejuvenate your energy stores. Plan when you are going to work out each day and know exactly what you are going to do for that workout. This eliminates any excuses for changing your mind. It's already planned in your day.
It is okay to alter your exercises, if your body can't handle your normal routine. It is also okay to changeyour meal plan. Just make sure what you do eat fits in with your healthy choices. Don't feel guilty about the process. Just do the best you can and work to get into a healthy habbit.
Another key point in making a lifestyle change is that it is not a quick fix - it is a long-term progression.
As you get started, don't be too hung up on the exact workout you do. If you need to start with a 5 or 10 minute walk, that is great. Start there and push yourself from that point. What you should focus on in the beginning is to just get that body moving. You will realize it begins to feel good, and you will make great progress as your energy increases. Take it one step at a time and have fun!
Next, find a workout partner who holds you accountable.
If you know someone is relying on you, it is much more difficult to skip out. If you don't like to work out with anyone, record your own workout in a journal to force you to be accountable to yourself. Keep track daily in your journal, and reward yourself at the end of the week when you have done what you set out to do.
Make it fun!
Buy workout gear that you enjoy. Maybe a new workout bag or some new clothes to train in. You may even need new tennis shoes. Set out your clothes and workout bag the night before, so you don't have to think about it in the morning. Once again, make it easy to do!
Focus on this workout time as "your time," when you are doing something to benefit you.
It's crazy how fast time goes, and it's nice to have that break in the day when you can just focus on yourself and your thoughts without distraction. Your workout time can be a safe haven for you. (Be careful with this tactic. Before you know it, that workout time might go from a frustrating 5 minutes to an activity you just can't get enough of! Crazy, I know, but it happens, so just be prepared.)
Most of all, listen to your body as you go. Your body is an amazing machine that will guide you, if you let it.