Program Levels
Additional Information
Before You Start
Components of a Workout
Principles of Exercise
Exercise List
Cardio Training Info
Strength Training Info
Glossary of Terms
Workout Components
Component Details
Components of the
Workout Session
There are 4 basic components to an exercise session. These components must be performed in the following order:
Stretching should be done after your cool-down. Hold each stretch for 20 - 30 seconds.
  1) Calf Stretch
  2) Quadriceps Stretch
  3) Standing Hamstring Stretch or Seated Hamstring Stretch
  4) Groin (Butterfly) Stretch
  5) Hip Stretch
  6) Oblique (side) Stretch
  7) Abdominal Stretch
  8) Lower Back Stretch
  9) Shoulder Stretch
10) Chest Stretch
11) Side Neck Stretch
12) Posterior Neck Stretch
Printable list of stretches
Stretching Guidelines
Stretching improves flexibility and mobility.
Always Stretch a Warm Muscle, Never a Cold One
Do this by beginning your workout with a five-minute warm up on cardiovascular equipment in order to increase pulse rate and body temperature.
Stretch Smoothly - Never Bounce
Bouncing a stretch invites muscles to respond by tightening up to protect themselves. Begin slowly and smoothly. Work towards a position that starts to feel tight but never becomes painful.
Pain in a Stretch is Self-defeating
If you feel pain during a stretch, you are working against the body's loosening-up mechanism. Always ease into a stretch and hold it only as long as it feels comfortable. To do otherwise is to invite injury.
Remain Relaxed and Keep Breathing
As you stretch, it is important to keep your body relaxed. This can be accomplished by keeping your breathing even and consistent.