Program Levels
Additional Information
Before You Start
Components of a Workout
Principles of Exercise
Exercise List
Cardio Training Info
Strength Training Info
Glossary of Terms
12 Week Schedule
Cardio Training
- Cardio
Strength Training
- Upper Body
- Lower Body
Upper Body
Chest | Back | Shoulders | Biceps | Triceps
How It Works
Select one exercise for each muscle group and do five sets, starting with a set of 12 reps. Then increasing the weight and do 10 reps, adding more weight and do 8 reps, adding more weight for 6 reps. Then reduce the weight, do 12 reps, and immediately do another set of 12 reps with a different exercise for that muscle group.
For each muscle group, rest for one minute between the first four sets. Then complete the final two sets with no rest in between. Wait two minutes before moving on to your next muscle group. Complete this pattern for each upper and lower body training event.
Example: Chest Exercise Portion of the Workout
Set Exercise        lbs   reps intensity rest
1 Dumbbell Bench Press 20 lbs 12 reps 5-6 1 min
2 Dumbbell Bench Press 25 lbs 10 reps 6-7 1 min
3 Dumbbell Bench Press 30 lbs 8 reps 7-8 1 min
4 Dumbbell Bench Press 35 lbs 6 reps 8-9 1 min
5 Dumbbell Bench Press 25 lbs 12 reps 9-10 0 min
6 Dumbbell Flyes   25 lbs 12 reps 9-10 2 min
After 2 minutes of rest, move on with the back portion of the workout, and so on.
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Chest Chest
Select two exercises from list Select two exercises from list
- Resistance Band Chest Press
- Push Up
- Knee Push Up
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- Barbell Bench Press
- Barbell Incline Press
- Dumbbell Bench Press
- Dumbbell Incline Press
- Dumbbell Flyes
- Cable Crossover
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Back Back
Select two exercises from list Select two exercises from list

- Resistance Band Seated Rows
- One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
- Pull-ups
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- Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns
- One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
- Seated Cable Rows
- Back Extensions
- Straight Arm Pulldowns
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Shoulders Shoulders
Select two exercises from list Select two exercises from list
- Resistance Band Front Raises
- Seated Dumbbell Press
- Dumbbell Upright Row
- Reverse Flyes
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- Seated Dumbbell Press
- Front Raises
- Reverse Flyes
- Upright Cable Rows
- Upright Barbell Rows
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Biceps Biceps
Select two exercises from list Select two exercises from list
- Resistance Band Curls
- Dumbbell Curls
- Hammer Curls
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- Alternate Dumbbell Curls
- Barbell Curls Preacher Curls
- Concentration Curls
- Cable Curls
- Hammer Curls
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Triceps Triceps
Select two exercises from list Select two exercises from list
- Resistance Band Triceps
- Bench Dips
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- Seated Triceps Presses
- Lying Triceps Presses
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Triceps Pushdowns
- Cable Extensions
- Bench Dips
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